Clifford A. Bailey

Clifford A. Bailey, President & CEO, TechSoft Systems, Inc.Clifford A. Bailey
NMSDC National Minority Business Enterprise Input Committee (NMBEIC)
President & CEO
TechSoft Systems, Inc.

Clifford A. Bailey is President & CEO of TechSoft Systems, Inc. an IT Support Services Provider specializing in network management and monitoring, cybersecurity, and outsourcing. TechSoft Systems also specifically emphasizes providing and integrating Internet Security to clients for applications and content. Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, since 1983, TechSoft Systems offers a wide range of services to maximize customers’ technological investments.

Clifford A. Bailey is an advocate for small businesses and a driving force in community reconciliation and development. Mr. Bailey is a leader devoted to education, employment, and economic development, and is active with organizations that share these same passions.

He is currently the National Minority Business Enterprise Input Committee (NMBEIC) Chair for the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) and also serves on the Ohio Minority Business Council Board. Mr. Bailey has also served on the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority Board, Small Business Administration’s National Advisory Council, and the Boards of the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber (as Vice Chair) and the Downtown Cincinnati, Inc. (as Chair).

Clifford A. Bailey is recognized as a frank, candid, and honest leader. He has the skills, ability, and experience to inspire, motivate and lead. Mr. Bailey speaks nationally to business and student groups and in front of corporations and public audiences on the topics of leadership, economic development, emotional intelligence and change management.

Clifford graduated from Tuskegee University with a BS in Chemical Engineering. Clifford continues to provide strategic direction and growth initiatives for TechSoft Systems, Inc. as it expands its portfolio to provide the “next big thing” in technology: Cybersecurity. He is also publishing his first book titled, “The Prism Paradigm,” to be released in 2018.