2020 Pledge – In This Together Campaign – Individual Pledges

Fortify Your Commitment to Minority Business Inclusion
You are invited to commit to the utilization and growth of minority businesses.


Chartered in 1972, The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) is a 501 (c) (3) certified, not-for-profit. NMSDC is one of the leading minority business development organizations and NGOs in the United States. NMSDC supports the economic sustainability of certified minority business enterprises (MBEs) and advances supplier diversity by facilitating procurement opportunities between its over 12,000+ certified MBEs and their network of over 1400+ Corporate Members. The NMSDC network includes a National Office in New York, 23 affiliate regional councils, and five international partner organizations.

Your Action Matters – Make a Difference Towards MBE Economic Inclusion and Parity
NMSDC promises to amplify our advocacy for supplier diversity and economic inclusion domestically and globally. We will leverage our forums to listen to MBEs about the obstacles they face and provide access to services and resources which address their challenges. Our efforts will be intentional and positioned to generate parity and economic inclusion within the all-too-often underserved minority business community. To learn more about our initiatives, click here.

Join the growing list of  individuals supporting NMSDC’s MBE economic inclusion and parity initiatives by completing your pledge below.

In This Together Individual Pledges

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About NMSDC | nmsdc.org
Chartered in 1972, The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) is a 501 (c) (3) certified, not-for-profit. NMSDC is one of the leading minority business development organizations and NGOs in the United States. NMSDC supports the economic sustainability of certified minority business enterprises (MBEs) and advances supplier diversity by facilitating procurement opportunities between its over 12,000+ certified MBEs and their network of over 1400+ Corporate Members. The NMSDC network includes a National Office in New York, 23 affiliate regional councils, and five international partner organizations.